Zero council tax for Hackney’s poorest

Currently, Hackney’s poorest citizens are required to pay 15% of the regular amount of council tax. Many are falling behind on council tax payments and being unfairly hit by court summons, extra costs and bailiffs. Under a Green Mayor, the lowest-income residents of Hackney will have to pay zero council tax – a 100% council tax discount. Those who can’t pay, shouldn’t pay – and should not live in fear of bailiffs.

Other London boroughs have already exempted low-income residents from council tax, with Green councillors leading the way in other boroughs such as Camden.

A Hackney free of child poverty

Almost half (48%) of the borough’s children are already living in poverty, with many more now at risk due to rising living costs. I am committed to working towards a Hackney free of child poverty. Having recently met with 4in10, London’s Child Poverty Network, I know that the main cause of poverty is a lack of affordable child care. I supported the campaigns to save Fernbank and Hillside children’s centres, and will continue to protect subsidised children care. As Mayor, I commit to support our children’s centres and not close any.

A living-wage borough

To lift people out of poverty, we need work that pays. I commit to making Hackney a living-wage borough, following the Living Wage Place scheme, and will work with every local business to make this a reality.

As Mayor, I will also:

  • Lower council rents by reversing the 2022 increase of 4.1%, and not increasing it again throughout my first mayoral term.
  • Improve the quality of council homes and take action on rogue, neglectful landlords. Everyone should live in good-quality housing which is well insulated, well heated and not making people ill.
  • Help towards housing costs by topping up discretionary housing payments.
  • Protect, support, fund, and promote local welfare assistance funds like Hackney Community Food Hub.

My Plan for Hackney
