Hackney Green Party are once again standing candidates for all 57 seats on Hackney Council. With more candidates than the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats combined, Greens are the real opposition to the Labour-dominated Council.
Zoë Garbett, candidate for Dalston and for Mayor of Hackney, said: “I’m delighted to be standing alongside 56 other brilliant candidates who are giving every resident in Hackney the opportunity to vote Green this May. As the borough’s second largest party by vote share in the last local elections, we know that voters see us as the alternative to Labour’s complacent and unaccountable control of the Council.”
“On 5th May you’ll have two or three votes for your councillors (depending on the ward you live in), and one for Mayor. Use all of your votes to elect hard-working Green representatives who listen and will bring new ideas and change to Hackney”.
For more information on Hackney Green Party’s plan for the borough, visit:
Click here for a full list of Green candidates in each ward (pdf).
Help us make our plans for Hackney a reality by supporting our crowdfunder here: