There has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party. Any help you give us, from a regular donation to work on the doorstep, will make a real difference to getting Greens elected in London and working for a fairer, cleaner, more affordable future for everyone.
This May we have an opportunity to get many Green Party assembly members elected to be the voice of residents at the city level – and with Zoë we have the best candidate for Mayor of London and the best chance to bring the changes we all know are needed in our city.
Click the button below for details on how you can help
Get Involved
The easiest way to donate is on our crowdfunder.
Joining the Green Party is the best way you can help further our collective aims of environmental sustainability, social justice and engaged democracy. London Green Party is a branch of the Green Party of England and Wales, by joining nationally you also become a member of your local party.
Join the Green Party